<img height="1" width="1" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1790220757858842&amp;ev=PageView &amp;noscript=1"/> End Hunting on MoD land ')

Hold the Secretary of State to account

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) licences military hunts to operate on its land, under the guise of ‘trail’ hunting. Hunting wild animals with dogs is against the law and trail hunting is nothing more than a smokescreen for animal cruelty. 

The Labour government was elected on a promise to end illegal fox hunting but it hasn’t taken the simple step to ban it on land owned by the MoD. It's time for that to change. Please use this form to raise the issue with your MP and ask that they write to the Secretary of State for Defence and ask him to ban these hunts from land we own.

Please fill in your details then click the ‘Compose’ button

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